Friday was eagerly awaited by all football players in France. During its Board of Directors, the LFP had to choose the best offer for TV rights for the next three seasons, ie until 2024. Quickly, we learned that the duo Amazon/Canal + had won the bet with in particular eight meetings per day for the American giant and the two others for the encrypted channel. But not everything went as planned.
Paying more for fewer matches to broadcast, the Canal group came out of the silence a few hours later and decided to withdraw! “After the failure of the choice of Mediapro in 2018, Canal + regrets the decision of the Professional Football League (LFP) to retain Amazon’s proposal today to the detriment of that of its historical partners Canal + and beIN Sports. Canal + will therefore not broadcast Ligue 1 ”, explained the chain. And on the club side, we can say that there is a lot of resentment.
“Canal + has spent its time denigrating us”
Asked by The team, some leaders of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 clubs, who remained anonymous, clearly attacked Canal +. “The problem is that Canal has not behaved like a partner in recent weeks, we always had the feeling that we were doing charity. Canal + spent its time denigrating us, saying that the product was not good “, said one of them. But that’s not all.
In the columns of the daily, a president gave a layer: “Even if nothing can be excluded, and in particular that Canal comes to an agreement with Amazon for the Sunday evening poster, Canal + and Saada are now paying for their attitude, the fact of having let us marinate weeks after the withdrawal of Mediapro, for putting us on the brink. ” Statements that will not please the encrypted channel.
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